Archive for the 'Puzzles' Category

Riddle Me This

qA few years back, when Google acquired YouTube, I was heard to remark that the deal seemed kind of…imprudent. Given YouTube’s potential as a lawsuit generator, the best owners might not be the guys with some of the world’s deepest pockets.

A colleague points out that it seems equally odd for a company with pockets the depth of BP’s to be engaged in as risky an activity as deep water oil drilling. Why wasn’t this project sold off to someone with a lot less to lose?

Maybe BP expected to be protected by laws limiting its liability, but surely it was foreseeable that those laws might be circumvented, as it appears they’re about to be. So if that’s part of the answer, it’s only a small part.

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Absentminded Musings

Here are some thoughts on last week’s absent-minded driver problem.

First a recap of the problem, with a bit more detail than last week:

Each day, Albert leaves his office (at the bottom of the map), gets on the Main Highway and attempts to drive home to his house on Second Street. If he turns too soon (onto First Street) or if he overshoots (going all the way to the north end of the Main Highway), he is mauled by dinosaurs.

Obviously, Albert’s best strategy is to go straight at the first intersection and turn right at the second. Unfortunately, both intersections look identical. Doubly unfortunately, Albert can never remember whether he’s already passed the first intersection.

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The Absent-Minded Driver

Until last week, I had never heard of the paradox of the absent-minded driver, but I was recently told that it has some relevance to my encyclopedia article on quantum game theory. That plus the fact that I am a notoriously absent-minded driver myself made me think I should check out the original source. Here’s what I extracted:

Each day, Albert leaves his office (at the bottom of the map), gets on the Main Highway and attempts to drive home to his house on Second Street. If he turns too soon (onto First Street) or if he overshoots (going all the way to the north end of the Main Highway), he is mauled by dinosaurs.

Obviously, Albert’s best strategy is to go straight at the first intersection and turn right at the second. Unfortunately, both intersections look identical. Doubly unfortunately, Albert can never remember whether he’s already passed the first intersection.

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Tic Tac Toe in Four Dimensions

In high school, we used to play four-dimensional tic-tac-toe. The board looks like this:

Here each four-by-four subsquare is an ordinary tic-tac-toe board (except that it’s four-by-four instead of the traditional three-by-three). You should think of the four subsquares in the first column (or any other column) as stacked above each other in the third dimension. The red x’s form a vertical line in that direction, so if you manage to place four x’s in those positions, you’re a winner.

You should also think of the four subsquares in the first row as stacked above each other in yet another dimension. The red o’s form a diagonal line passing from the bottom left to the top right (using “bottom” and “top” to refer to directions in this fourth dimension). And the black x’s form another kind of diagonal line, passing from one corner to another through all four dimensions. So there are a lot of ways to win this game.

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An unexpectedly full weekend leaves me caught short without a full fledged blog post for today. I’ll make up for it tomorrow. In the meantime, here are two tidbits to hold you over:

  • A useful recipe for salted water. Do not fail to read the reviews.
  • A puzzle I got from the mathematician Alexander Merkurjev. If I recall right, he told me that it had appeared on a college entrance exam in the old Soviet Union:

    A regular 400-gon is tiled by parallelograms. Prove that at least 100 of those parallelograms must be rectangles.

    (A regular 400-gon is a 400-sided figure with all sides equal and all angles equal. The parallelograms can all be of different sizes and shapes—or not. “Tiled” means that the interior of the 400-gon is entirely covered, with no overlaps.)

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The Big Answers

trainLast week, I posed some brain teasers and a riddle about special relativity.

The brain teasers were all solved by multiple commenters; I’ll summarize their answers at the end of this post. The special relativity problem proved trickier; here it is again:

A circular train (front of the locomotive attached to the rear of the caboose) sits on a circular track. At some point, the train accelerates and starts traveling around the track. Because the train is moving, I (an observer stationary relative to the track) should see it shrink. But the track doesn’t shrink. So the train can’t stay on the track, and gets pulled inward, ending up inside the track. On the other hand, the passengers say the track has shrunk, so they should expect to get pushed outside the track. How can everyone be right?

Now to the answer.

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Geek or Dork?

There are a bazillion alleged “paradoxes” in special relativity, all based on exactly the same fallacy, but I might have just invented a brand-new one—-where “invented” is shorthand for “confused the hell out of myself for a while”. When I finally got up and drew a picture (as opposed to lying in bed with my eyes closed doing something that felt like thinking), it became clear that, sure enough, it was the same old fallacy again (how could it not have been?), but in a new enough guise that someone reading this might find it amusing.

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Teasing Your Brain

brain2My travel schedule for the next several days will probably keep me from posting anything too substantial. So let me leave you with three lovely brain teasers to keep you occupied in the meantime.

1) (Hat tip to Ben Tilly): I have thought of two numbers, which I call A and B. You know nothing about how I came up with these numbers. I plan to flip a fair coin and then tell you the value of A if the coin comes up heads or B if the coin comes up tails. Your job is to guess whether the number I quote is the larger or the smaller of A and B. Devise a strategy that guarantees you a better-than-even chance of winning, no matter what A and B are.

(To make this more precise: Your probability P of winning is a function of A, B and your strategy. Devise a strategy S such that P(A,B,S) is greater than 1/2 for all A and B.)

2) (Hat tip to Stan Wagon): Alice and Bob ran a marathon (assumed to be exactly 26.2 miles long) with Alice running at a perfectly uniform eight-minute-per-mile pace, and Bob running in fits and starts, but taking exactly 8 minutes and 1 second to complete each mile interval (so, for example, it takes him exactly 8 minutes and 1 second to get from the 3.78 mile mark to the 4.78 mile mark, exactly 8 minutes and 1 second to get from the 3.92 mile mark to the 4.92 mile mark, etc.). Is it possible that Bob finished ahead of Alice?

3) (Hat tip to my old friend Steve Maguire): The border between Delaware and its neighbors includes a section with a circular arc: on the circle ten miles from a church in Dover Delaware. Can you name another state border that is partially defined by a circular arc?

I’ll continue to check comments while I’m on the road, but perhaps just a tad less diligently than usual.

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Unidentified Persons

attemptYesterday I posted a portrait gallery honoring 60 of my personal heroes; readers were quick to identify 47, with remarkably few mistakes, all of which were quickly corrected. As of this writing, thirteen remain. Among these thirteen are the greatest mathematician of the 17th century (assuming we classify Newton as a physicist) and the three greatest mathematicians of the 20th; one of these is quite probably the greatest mathematician of all time. (All in my educated-but-not-fully-educated opinion, of course.) Musical, literary and cinematic greatness are also well represented here.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will try to tell you a little bit more about some of these 60 people. Meanwhile, here are the thirteen mystery men/women. I’ve retained the numbering from yesterday’s post. Who can you identify?

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The Big Answers, Part II

Merry Christmas. As my gift to you, I present the long overdue answers to the remaining problems from my Oberlin honors exam. The original questions are here and here; the first round of answers is here.

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The Self-Referential Test

This quiz amused the hell out of me. I hope it does the same for you.

Edited to add: In comments, Mike H points me (and you) to this even better quiz, which seems to have been the model for the one I linked to. Enjoy your day.

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The Big Answers, Part I

A little while back, I posted the first half and then the second half of the honors exam in economics that I administered at Oberlin College. Since then, I’ve slowly doled out a few answers, but I’m getting more and more requests for the complete set. Here, then, are the questions and answers for the first half; I warn you that some of these are pretty technical. I’ll post the second half soon.

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Playing Games

Here are solutions to the two game theory problems from my honors exam:

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The Big Answers

To the many people who have recently requested answers to my Honors Exam, Part I and Part II:

I’ve already posted answers to the Snidely Whiplash and “Rank the Taxes” problems. I’ll post solutions to the “Jack and Jill” and “Dukes of Earl” problems in the next day or two, and the remainder soon thereafter. Thanks for your patience.

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The Honors Class, Part II

Two weeks ago, I posted the first half of the honors exam that I administered last spring at Oberlin college. I am following up today with the second half. Once again, I’ve translated some of the questions from economese to English, but am fairly confident that nothing significant has been lost in the translation. This starts with Question 6:

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The Best of Taxes and the Worst of Taxes

Today I’ll give the solution to another of the problems from my honors exam:

Question 5. Rank these taxes in order of how much you’d dislike paying them:

  • A tax on consumption
  • A tax on wages
  • A tax on income (including wages, interest and dividends)

Assume that the tax rates are adjusted so that your total tax bill is the same in each case.

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In the Spirit of the Day

If you’re at work on this post-Thanksgiving morning, it’s probably a slow day around the office (unless you’re in retail, in which case you’re probably not reading this). So to help you while away the hours, here are a few of my favorite logic puzzles from around the net:

Warning: These are majorly addictive. Enjoy, but resolve not to let them take over your life. You have a blog to get back to.

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Rational Irrationality

On his blog A Blank Slate, Vishal Patel posts a cute little brain teaser (with a hat tip to the Cosmic Variance blog):

Jack is looking at Anne, but Anne is looking at George. Jack is married, but George is not. Is a married person looking at an unmarried person?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) Can not be determined

This reminded me of one of my favorite little “zinger” math proofs. (If you think about the brain teaser long enough, you’ll see the connection.)

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Snidely Whiplash

I’m going to dole out the answers to the first half of my honors exam slowly over the next several days. After that I’ll post the second half of the exam.

Let’s start with this one:

Question 3. Snidely Whiplash owns all the grocery stores and all the houses in the Yukon Territory. He charges a competitive price for groceries, and rents the houses at the highest price residents (who are all identical) are willing to pay. (If he charged any more, they’d all leave town). True or False: If Snidely raises the price of groceries, he’ll have to lower the price of housing, so he’ll be no better off than before.

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The Honors Class, Part I

Each year, the economics department at Oberlin College invites an outside examiner to determine who among its top graduating seniors should receive an honors degree. Last spring, I was that outside examiner. The seven candidates had several hours to complete a written exam (which I wrote), and then a few weeks later, I interviewed each of them face to face.

I thought my readers here might be interested in seeing the written exam. It’s by no means comprehensive; entire areas of economics are omitted. Instead, it’s supposed to test core material and ways of thinking that I believe should mostly be second nature to any top economics graduate.

Where necessary, I’ve translated some of these questions from the original economese to something approximating English. Occasionally, a little has been lost in the translation, but not, I think, too much.

There were ten questions on the exam. I’ll post five today and the remaining five next week.

Here, then, is Part I:

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Brain Teaser

Here’s a brain teaser I wish I’d invented in time to include it in The Big Questions:

John and Mary live in an isolated village where they have no access to reference materials, no contact with the outside world, and nobody to talk to except each other. One day an anthropologist arrives in this village, sits down for coffee with John and Mary, and quizzes them about their knowledge of the world. John says he’s sure that men have walked on the moon; Mary says she’s sure they haven’t. Never having discussed this issue before, each of them is astonished and flabbergasted by the others’ apparent ignorance. Rather than risk losing all respect for each other, John and Mary agree never to speak of the subject again. But the anthropologist mentions that she’ll be stopping by once a day from now on, and will be glad to know if either of them ever has a change of mind on this topic. If so, the anthropologist will inform the other. Otherwise, the anthropologist will never bring it up either.

The next day (a Monday) nobody’s mind has changed, and therefore the subject is not discussed. The same thing happens on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Can this go on forever?

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