We already knew that Barry Goldwater was a man of vision, but who until now recognized the clarity with which he managed to foresee, fifty-three years in advance, the election results of April 26, 2016?

We already knew that Barry Goldwater was a man of vision, but who until now recognized the clarity with which he managed to foresee, fifty-three years in advance, the election results of April 26, 2016?
Thanks for the first laugh on a morning more politically bleak than usual.
I so often hear analogous things said of Texas and California; this is the first I’d seen it said of the East Coast. Yea for equal time!
But Goldwater is a font of interesting quotes — some more famous than others.
Barry Goldwater, 1964, accepting Republican nomination for president, and channeling Kahlil Gibran who said “In battling evil, excess is good; for he who is moderate in announcing the truth is presenting half truth. He conceals the other half out of fear of the people’s wrath.”
Barry Goldwater (November 1994), as quoted in John Dean, Conservatives Without Conscience (2006).
Barry Goldwater, quoted in “Barry Goldwater’s Left Turn” by Lloyd Grove in The Washington Post (28 July 1994).
Barry Goldwater (July 1981) quoted by Ed Magnuson in “The Brethren’s First Sister,” Time Magazine, (20 July, 1981) in response to Moral Majority founder Jerry Falwell’s opposition to Sandra Day O’Connor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, of which Falwell had said, “Every good Christian should be concerned.” However, the quote is contested; John Dean quotes Goldwater as saying “I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the nuts.” Dean, John (2008), Broken Government: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches.
How ’bout Mencken: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it – good and hard.”
I wasn’t aware SL preferred Sanders over Clinton.
I mean – surely you were referring to Sanders, right? You couldn’t POSSIBLY have hoped for a victory of Cruz, who wants to return to the gold standard, deregulate Wall Street and then refuse bailouts and impose austerity in the economic meltdown that is sure to follow, right?
Surely no economist could support a candidate who wants to faithfully re-enact the Great Depression?
@nobody.really. A good collection of quotes, though everything reported by John Dean, convicted Watergate felon, probably should be taken cum grano salis.
Ted Cruz has called for a “rules-based money supply,” an idea advocated by such famous lunatics as John Taylor and Scott Sumner. Nor does skepticism towards SarbOx, Dodd-Frank, and its guarantees of bailouts to banks to big to fail, render one an economic illiterate.
As for austerity, perhaps a government that runs a $554 billion deficit in the 7th year of the current expansion as determined by NBER, could use some.
Murphy’s ninth law: everything east of the San Andreas fault will eventually fall into the Atlantic Ocean.
BTW, the Goldwater got it right on Falwell too. Jerry Falwell [Jr.] was an early Trump endorser.
Cruz very specifically and repeatedly said he wants a GOLD STANDARD, tying the dollar in some way to the fickle price of an arbitrary commodity. The mind boggles. You are re-interpreting Cruz’s disastrous idea into something it isn’t.
The gold standard, to my knowledge, is not something any economist of any prominence – indeed any economist at all aside from the nutty Austrians – has advocated in modern times.
As regards deregulation – Cruz has said many times that he wants to abolish Frank-Dodd, and he hasn’t said anything about what he wants to replace it with. Presumably he doesn’t want to replace it with anything.
Now evidently, the regulatory regime pre-Frank-Dodd allowed the financial sector to run itself and the economy off a cliff.
Cruz wishes to return to that situation.
If you need any details on what the outcome of this policy would be, you should re-read Rheinhard/Rogoff which demonstrate conclusively that financial meltdowns are the TYPICAL outcome of financial deregulation.
Deregulation of the financial sector has historically virtually always resulted in massive disasters, there are only a handful of historic cases where it hasn’t.
Cruz has displayed no understanding at all that he is aware of this fact. He has learned absolutely nothing from the 2008/2009 disaster, and neither have his supporters.