Looney Tunes

So there’s this man-eating creature named Jozin who lives in a bog, and is vulnerable only to crop-dusting powder. The mayor promises his daughter in marriage to whoever can defeat the creature. A stranger comes to town, borrows a crop-duster, captures Jozin, and wins the daughter. The end.

This, I think, is as good an example as any of why a gripping story requires more than just a good beginning and a happy ending. But sometimes, a hefty dose of looniness can fully compensate for the complete absence of dramatic tension. Et voila:

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12 Responses to “Looney Tunes”

  1. 1 1 Tristan

    I guess every country must have its Spike Jones.

  2. 2 2 Ken B

    I love it!

    They have a website http://ivanmladek.com/

    And for anyone jonesing for songs about meaty soups … http://videopost.webege.com/video/SVYSRsNWh1E/dyzaboys-posledni-gulas-last-goulash–beef-goulash/

  3. 3 3 Ken B

    Slightly off topic but … Some fun with projective geomtery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tBNHPk-Lnkk

    Has anyone seen The Ambassadors by Holbein? it has an anamorphic skull in it.

  4. 4 4 Al V.

    Analysing humor is never successful.

  5. 5 5 Gene Callahan

    “Analysing humor is never successful.”

    Now THAT is funny!

  6. 6 6 Ken B

    @Gene: Please explain.

  7. 7 7 Al V.

    @Ken B, Steve needs to put a “Like” button on the comments.

  8. 8 8 Martin-2

    So that’s what a conch sounds like. This really puts Lord of the Flies into perspective.

  9. 9 9 Scott H.

    I know that absolutely no other part of the song was acted out, but I felt like we should have seen the daughter at the end. There are certain music video protocols that cannot be altered.

  10. 10 10 Dmitry Kolyakov

    wow! This priceless stuff finally made it even here! Good to know that eastern European culture still has its appeal.

    One observation though – the guy who offered the protagonist the reward while drinking the plum brandy was as I understand not a mayor, but a chairman of the local collective farm – no capitalist oversimplification, please!

  11. 11 11 Henri Hein

    Yes, and he offered “half a national agrarian farm” — LOL!

  12. 12 12 Maznak

    I have first noticed Ivan Mladek when I was 8 or so (early 70’s). And even then at this tender age I thought that he was very funny. And according to some sources, he has some of the highest IQ among Czech artists….
    It seems that Poland has discovered him just recently and some serious Mladekmania is happening there right now. Nearly the same for Russia.

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