
Travel and other projects have kept me absent for a couple of weeks, but I’m hoping to be back on a regular blogging schedule very soon now. Meanwhile, here is the video of the Gosnell Lecture that I recently gave at the Rochester Institute of Technology, titled “More Sex is Safer Sex and Other Surprises”.

One of the surprises turned out to be that the audiovisual equipment didn’t work, so I didn’t get to show my prepared slides. But I think things went pretty well anyway.

Slightly higher quality video is here.

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3 Responses to “Surprises”

  1. 1 1 Jonatan

    That was a very cool lecture. Unfortunately much of it, especially the questions, are difficult for me to hear.

  2. 2 2 Coupon Clipper

    What we all really want to know is if these other “projects” include writing another book!

  3. 3 3 Xerographica

    In terms of big questions and surprises…have you ever considered what the outcome would be of allowing taxpayers to directly allocate their taxes?

    Here’s my blog entry where I took a comprehensive look at the question in terms of surprise, ignorance, rational ignorance, radical ignorance, etc…

    If you get a chance I’d really appreciate hearing your critique of the idea!

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